Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting to Know You

As I have been posting these relentless, boring soliloquies, I have read every comment in hopes of understanding those who read these a little better. For the most part, my eyes have been opened and I have seen into those souls who willingly allowed me to do so. But now is the time to really put yourself out there...tell us who you are...let us all know you better. C' know you want to. I have designed a little quiz. Now stop biting your nails and fretting, it's not multiple choice and there are no wrong answers. It's a simple questionaire designed to open yourself up and allow us a peek inside. Nothing embarassing (well almost nothing), and nothing you can be blackmailed for later. Shall we begin?

1. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

2. What is your favorite color and why?

3. Do you have any current ambitions?

4. Leftover pizza--hot or cold?

5. What one regret do you have in life?

6. To date, what is your proudest moment?

7. To date, what is your most embarassing moment?

8. What is your worst habit?

9. What offends you the most?

10. What is one thing you want to do but don't have the guts to?

Simple enough. Nothing racy or drastic. Of course I couldn't in good spirit ask you to do something I am not willing to, so here are my answers...

1. My greatest accomplishment is my friends. They have been by my side through thick and thin, good and bad. I have not always been the best person to know, but they have never faltered.

2. My favorite color is black. It is both slimming and goes with anything.

3. I have many ambitions, but two stand out in my mind. I always wanted to be an actor, and I have always wanted to be on Jeopardy!

4. Leftover pizza--definitely is nasty!!

5. I have many regrets in life. Some I will never speak of, and some are just silly. One regret I think of now is never telling the girl in high school I had a crush on her ( I still talk to her and she still doesn't know).

6. My proudest moment was cutting my son's umbilical cord. Yes, you read that correctly, and we will leave it at that.

7. Most embarassing moment? When Veigh and I were 16 or 17 we were summer clerks for Food 4 Less and while stocking shelves one day I was called for a price check. I picked up the private phone all gorcery stores have and thought I had heard the item correctly. I ran down the aisle, looked and ran back to the overhead phone system. I picked up the phone and asked over the speakers for all to hear "The kind you push in with your thumb or hammer in?" Well...what I thought I heard as thumbtacks turned out to be a price check on Tampax. Oops...

8. My worst habit by far is biting my nails. I have since I was a child

9. People who don't have all the facts about something before they speak openly about it offends me. There is nothing worse than blatant ignorance. "Tis better to appear foolish than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

10. I have a great respect for sharks, but I would never have the guts to swim with them. I find them fascinating but deadly. I have a very real fear of sharks and can not go into an ocean because of it.

Wow! That wasn't too bad. I have opened my soul to you. Nothing bad. Nothing too painful. I understand if there are questions you choose to skip, but please try not to. I appreciate your time, your patience and your openess. As Wayne Newton has said many many times...Danke Schoen.



Kamie said...

Okay Brandon here it goes...
1. My greatest accomlishments are my two children. They really are amazing!

2. My favorite color is blue. I don't know why exactly, it's just a calming color to me.

3. I am very lazy and currently have no ambitions :)

4. Leftover pizza....COLD

5. My one regret is being so immature when I was first married. We survived that year, but looking back I would have done things differently.
By the way Brandon...I know which girl your talking about. hee hee I won't tell :)

6. My proudest moments are the births of my daughter and son.

7.My most embarassing moment is peeing my pants in 6th grade because I was too scared of Mr. Jackson to ask for a hall pass. My dear friend, Janette, got a hall pass for me so that I could go change clothes AND quietly cleaned up my pee that was all over the chair!!!

8.My worst habit is biting my nails also. I am currently in the non biting phase. Do you go through those?

9.I don't get offended easily. I do get annoyed easily however.

10. I would like to jump out of an airplane (with a parachute on of course!).

DeLaina said...

I'm going to post my answers on my blog, so feel free to peruse them there later on.

And no FAIR! I don't know which girl you had a crush on! Whine!

Kamie-That is so funny about being scared of Mr. Jackson. He was about as scary as Miss A coud get. I was so sad that I didn't get Miss Tucker.

Lisa J said...

Oh, I'm always up to talking about myself!
1. Greatest accomplishment: This is hard for me to say--I think my kids are one of them, but I'm not sure I have a lot to do with how awesome they're turning out. Maybe I'd say Annika's pregnancy because I am such a wimp when it comes to pain (and I freely admit it!) and her pregnancy was really, really nasty with a bunch of health problems. I'm amazed I lasted through it.

2. Fav color: I'm going to have to go with red. The dark red rose color. Not sure why, I just think it's really pretty.

3. Current Ambitions: A. Neighborhood Acting Camp starts next week. Just trying to get ready for that. B. My list of about 100 other projects that I'm constantly working on. C. Losing 10 more pounds to get back to high school/college weight. It's just not happening for some reason. D. To make it through a whole StarWars Fest (original 3) without falling asleep at the Degobah parts.

4. Leftover pizza: Oh, definitely cold. And yes, for breakfast, too.

5. Regret in Life: I don't know that I'd call it a "regret"-but more of a wish. I do wish I had my Masters Degree. I got married and had my first kid right after I graduated from USU and made the choice to not work while my kids are growing up. I'm sure I'll get it someday and if not, that's okay, too. It just would've been nice to have done it while I was single and without as much responsibility to family. But I totally wouldn't change the way my life turned out in exchange for it, so I can't really call it a regret. Does that even make sense? I also regret that this answer didn't make much sense.

6. Proudest Moment: You know, I thought about what to answer on this one for a while and I can think of a lot of proud moments, but I hesitate to share them because I have a hard time saying good things about myself without me thinking I'm all showing off. Not that I think others are showing off at all. And not that mine are really all that amazing of moments. I can talk and laugh for hours about my un-proud moments, though! :)

I guess one would be going on a mission when it wasn't in my plans and I didn't want to go AT ALL. I was too busy having fun. I just felt like I was supposed to go, so I took that leap of faith and did it. It turned out to be a wonderful experience and the best thing I could've done for my life at that time. And I managed to have some fun there, too.

7. Embarrassing Moment: I don't really get embarrassed because I find the dumb things I constantly am doing really, really funny. And I forget things really fast. I guess one thing that happened recently would be when my husband and I were going to Vegas a few months ago and we had made plans to meet up with my good friend Mike Shewmake (who lives down there). So we get down there and I ended up calling the wrong Mike (I have a friend from my mission who is down there, too) and fully had a conversation with him for maybe 10 MINUTES and hung up before I realized that it was my mission friend Mike and not Mike Shewmake. Yeah, typical me. It was soooo funny, though.

8. Worst habit: I find that I put off doing things I have to do (laundry, etc.) for things that are fun. I just seem to get distracted by fun things really easily. Like blog questionnaires...

9. Offended: I really don't get offended by much. I actually can't think of anything right now that offends me. I'm pretty easy going. And I find people generally don't mean to offend others--it's usually just a misunderstanding.

10. Want to do but no guts: Well, my husband would really like to go on a cruise, but I don't like being in water where I can't touch the bottom so the thought of goign on a cruise actually terrifies me. I had a hard enough time flying across the Atlantic Ocean and back when I went to Scotland.

Wow. That took a lot out of me. But fun! Okay, I'm going to do some laundry now. Thanks for the questions!

DeLaina said...

From my blog:
Ten Simple Questions

Brandon's never-ending quest to delve deep within the realms of his friends' psyches has produced the following list of questions to answer:

1. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

Surviving moving to Tahiti when I was six. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do b/c I was teased mercilessly for my skin color, made to feel stupid b/c I didn't speak French or Tahitian, and chased at lunch every day by kids who were a lot bigger than me. I struggled to learn algebraic concepts in a different language, make friends, and fit in. I managed to overcome every single hardship, however, in a relatively short period of time, and during difficult times in my life, I think, "I survived Tahiti, I can do anything."

2. What is your favorite color and why?

This seems like such a simple question but I'm going to have to split it up into two parts:

Decorating with: Well, I'd have to say brown because it's not as harsh as black, and it's a fabulous base color with which to build a beautiful palette to decorate with. But I also love persimmon because it's warm and inviting, sage green because it's cool and calming, and purple because it's deep and rich.

I think the real answer to this question is that I prefer pleasing combinations of several colors because it adds depth and complexity to a stark room.

Wearing: Brown again, but also salmon.

3. Do you have any current ambitions?

Waaaay too many to list *grin* but one of them may or may not involve ruling the world...Ha ha, or would that be Mwa ha ha haaaa?

4. Leftover pizza--hot or cold?

Nuked 10 seconds to get the cheese a little gooey, but not long enough to make it soggy.

5. What one regret do you have in life?

I don't think I have any. There really isn't anything that I would go back and change and I'm content with how things have turned out.

6. To date, what is your proudest moment?

The births of my four wonderful children.

7. To date, what is your most embarassing moment?

Uhhh, the time I fainted at graduation? Or the other time I fainted at the stomp? Or the time I went waterskiing with a really cute guy that I didn't know very well and essentially got a 40 mph enema, and we were on a boat, with nowhere to hide, nowhere to run? No, wait, the time my mother-in-law grabbed my boob in the hospital? Sigh. So many stories, so little time. I lead a very embarrassing life.

8. What is your worst habit?

Staying up late.

9. What offends you the most?

I don't get offended easily, but bad drivers annoy me to no end, as do blatant stupidity and unnecessary neediness.

10. What is one thing you want to do but don't have the guts to?

Nothing, really. I've never not had the guts to do something. There are things I want to do that I just haven't gotten around to doing, or haven't had the time to do, but nothing that I'm afraid of doing.

Laurie A Ramirez said...

Hi all,
I'm behind on reading all of Brandon's blogs, but I swore I'd get to them evenutally. :) So, here goes:

1. My greatest accomplishment is my education. I have had to work hard to make it happen and I'm so proud of those pieces of paper! I'm also proud (and relieved, happy, etc) that I have no student loans to pay back--I've worked my way through and have had/created some wonderful opportunities along the way.

2. My favorite color--toss up. Yellow and hot pink. They both symbolize energy, happiness. Yellow appeals to my fun side. Hot pink is sexy!

3. I have so many! The two big ones that jump to mind are 1) I want future students of mine to write papers and quote ME in them! I want to be that famous and well-known/respected in my field. 2) I want to learn to play the piano. Oh, and one more. 3) I want to travel the entire world!

4. Leftover pizza has to be hot. But this requires the patience of an oven or toaster oven. Microwaves suck--I have never owned one!

5. I don't have many because I choose carefully everything I decide in life. I think the one thing I can say I regret is that I have had the name and contact info for my birth brother for over a year and I have yet to contact him. I want to, just can't do it and I regret the time I've lost already. Maybe I'll call today!

6. Hmm...proudest moment...this sounds kind of lame but when my niece told her mom (my sister) that she wanted to grow up to be "just like Aunt Laurie." Aw...

7. I don't get embarrassed easily. I honestly can't think of anything.

8. My worst habit is that I put off the hardest work until the end. So, rather than writing a paper, I'll scrub the house top to bottom, go grocery shopping, wash my car, read some articles, etc....until literally I have nothing left to do but the one thing I don't want to!

9. Two things, and I think they are somewhat related. 1) People who talk down to you as if you are a) 4 years old, or b) a complete idiot. I hate that! 2) People who are sickeningly sweet to you when you KNOW they don't like you, respect you, or value anything about you. Come's obvious, because I'm neither 4 years old nor an idiot.

10. Contact my birth mother. See above. Like Delaina, I have a lot of things I want to do but just haven't gotten around to them. Top of the list: jump out of an airplane.

Thanks for reading! :)

DeLaina said...

Time for a fun new post:-)!!!