Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Ok, so I have received requests for an update on my current status of non singleness. Well, here it is. I'm still not single. Simple and to the point right??

Jackie and I are doing wonderfully. We have spent three weekends together so far, and I have had the opportunity to meet all the kids. I can't say that I blame them, but the kids love me. What's not to love? We have spent the last month plus getting to know one another, and finding out all we can about each other. At this point in time, she knows that I am awesome, funny (funnier than her according to the above mentioned children), romantic, sweet, handsome (her word, not mine), and an all around good guy. I now know that she is not only intelligent (as I stated in a previous blog), but she is also kind, warm, funny (not as funny as me though remember?), attentive, giving, beautiful, spontaneous, accepting, patient, and the most important part of my life. I can honestly say without a doubt that I have fallen in love. Fallen so hard that is stuck to me. Jackie has become the person I sought. She has taught me so much and left me yearning to learn more.
I know that when I first mentioned I had met someone, there were many posted congrats. I thank you all. I can now say that when I see how happy you all are with your husbands/wives, I honestly understand what it is you see. I have been far too long in the dark, searching without a light, and then suddenly the clouds parted. Jackie and I have so very much in common. We have our bad times as every relationship does. I ensure her it only strengthens us. I now know what it is to truly miss someone's company.
We have talked at length of me moving to California to be closer to her and the kids. She has no desire to move to Utah, and I don't blame her. Besides, she has a pool. But don't worry, the move will not be immediate. I have some loose ends to tie up here first. And I'm positive they get facebook in California too. Don't worry folks, I'm yours for a bit longer.
Well there it is...the update asked for. It is unusual for me, but I smile more lately. My stress has diminished and my anger doesn't surface as easily. I cannot wait for her to meet you all, and have already mentioned the reunion to her. I will still fulfill my duties to the reunion committee and will still peek in on your blogs every so often. I share your happiness for me, and thank you all again for your encouraging words and your pats on the back. I hope life is finding you all well, happy and full of fire. Remember to please be kind and rewind.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Holy $*&% !

Yes, I know the title of this blog is a little off putting, but bear with me folks. This blog also falls into the Halloween theme. In this one, I want to know what scares you the most. Now everyone has their fears. If anyone tells you " I ain't a skeered of anything", they are lying. Everyone has a fear. Inate or not. For some it's spiders, for others clowns. Yes, clowns. I have a cousin who is frigthened of clowns. Sad, happy, evil...doesn't matter. I made the mistake once of wearing my Motley Crue Carnival of Sins t-shirt around her...I wasn't aware she hated clowns till that day. She avoided me like the plague.

Now I'm not looking for you to admit your fears so we can all have a good laugh. I wouldn't do that. I have fears of my own. For instance, I am deathly afraid of sharks. I have the utmost respect for a killing machine that has survived millions of years of evolution, and I have no desire whatsoever of swimming with one or even being close enough to touch one. Oh I went into the ocean when I was in Hawaii...far enough to jump out again if anything brushed past my leg that wasn't to my liking. I don't really care for spiders either. Nothing says good morning worse than waking to a hairy wolf spider on your ceiling as a teenager. Now THAT got me out of bed and actually looking forward to school. The movie Arachnophobia still creeps me out to this day. I know there are others out there that share my sentiment to these eight legged demons.

Now that I have sufficietly freaked myself out, I would be highly interested in what freaks you out. For some it is the fear of death. For others nothing more complicating than the fear of public speaking. Whatever it may be, fear has the power to render you motionless. The power to dry your tongue, palpitate your heart and make you sweat. There are literally hundreds of fears out there. Some we may find silly or ridiculous, but fears none the less. For example, Ablutophobia is the fear of bathing or washing. Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic (I suppose most Vampires would have this fear). Bibliophobia is the fear of books. Cacophobia is the fear of ugliness. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture. There are fears out there for everything...and I mean everything. From books to razors, toads to snakes. Fear of the number 13 to the fear of beautiful women. So what is your fear? Psychologists believe that admitting our fears help us in realising them and facing them more openly and evenly. Whatever helps you sleep at night, right?

I have included at the bottom of this blog a webpage. It is the "official" list of fears. It is alphabetized for those with the fear of disorder. It is a very interesting list and you may surprise yourself with what you find on it. Take a look, relax, and let us know what haunts your dreams. What is it that freezes you in your steps? I have avoided my blog posters responsibilities as of late, I have been lurking in the shadows reading your blogs but sending none of my own. I hope for this to change. I appreciate your kindness, and your willingness to read. I also love your comments and concerns. Please keep on keeping on, and I shall in turn keep on writing things for you to read.

Until next time...I think I saw a spider in the shower...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

BOOOO !!!!!!

I found myself wondering at work the other day about Halloween. The why's and hows, the who's and what's. We all know Halloween as the holiday from our youth which we anxiously looked forward to almost, if not as long as, Christmas. For months beforehand, we would let EVERYone know what we were going to be, and how much candy we wanted to net. To a child, Halloween is the second most important holiday there is. Even more so than their own Birthday, but never as important than the day the jolly fat man visits.

Halloween is known throughout the world in hundreds of countires differently. In Latin American countries it is known as Noche de las Brujas (Night of the Witches). In others, it is still known as a Pagan holiday called All Hallows Eve, or even All Saints' Eve. In the early 19th century, a form of Samhain (Gaelic for Halloween) was brought to the North American Continent by Irish immigrants. Samhain was a festival marking the end of the summer and the end of the harvest. The term "Halloween" was in fact a shortened version of All Hallows Even. No matter the spelling or the actual name, Halloween has always been a celebration signifying the harvest and religious festivals. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think people went door to door begging for candy in the early 19th century.

There are even traditions to have survived the years. The tradition of carving a pumpkin, or Jack-O-Lantern dates back to early Celtic legends. In the early days, a turnip or rutabaga was used instead of the pumpkin, but the meaning was always the same. Believing that the head was the most powerful part of the body containing the spirit and the knowledge, the Celts used the "head" of the vegetable to frighten off any superstitions. Today, we try each year to out do ourselves in carving the scariest, funniest, or cutest Jack-O-Lantern we can.

The symbolsim of Halloween is not in fact a legend, tale or even a tradition to have survived the years. Witches, Mummies, Ghosts, Ghouls, Devils and Monsters is all Hollywood. They do make for some cute and often gory costumes, but that is the extent of it.

Now that I have lectured you on the how's and why's. I'm looking for the what's and where's. I would like you constant reader to tell me why you enjoy Halloween so much. Do you feel you're still a kid at heart? Do you enjoy scaring the neighbor children to the point of cardiac arrest? What (if anything) makes this an entertaining and enjoyable holiday to you? Are there any traditions you and yours hold to? Do you enjoy the Haunted Houses? Is a good scare in your repertoire of tricks?

Last weekend, Jackie and three of her four kids came and spent the weekend with me. It was wonderful. We had a great time. After having gone down to Mt. Pleasant to pick up child number four, we went to the Castle of Chaos. The youngest of her brood was rather uncertain. Sweaty palms and constant pleadings of "Mommy, can we sit in the car and wait?" were met with "You're a big boy now Zachy, if you don't want to go, we won't". Once arriving at the sullen, downtrodden cashier, we found we could purchase "Monster Be Gone" passes for the young or faint of heart. This pass assured those who weren't fond of monsters that they would be protected. It worked like a charm. A flashing red light on the necklace Zach wore caused the actors inside to cower in fear. This gave him not only a boost of pride, but some resolve as well. Two minutes into the castle, and he was flashing anything that moved. Nothing touched him and he bravely protected his Mother and I. He came out of there happy, giggling, smiling and forever known as "Super Zach".

That is just one example of what one can do to celebrate this Holiday. Another one is in the decorating. There are many houses my parents and I would go to each year to see what new items had been added. Not all of these people continue the tradition of decorating anymore. As a matter of fact, the houses from my youth are all but gone now. There are still people who go all out on Halloween though. Coffins, spider webs, scary sounds and lights adorn every inch of their homes. Some inside and out. Some to the extent their homes can be seen on Google Earth. There is nothing wrong with it. It just has to come down before you decorate for Christmas is all. Unlike Christmas lights, Halloween lights get a funny look from people when left up all year long.

So here we come to the part I want to know about. What is it you do to make this holiday special for your little ghosts and goblins? What traditons do you have in your family or from your childhood that you have passed onto your witches and warlocks? Please do share constant reader. I as always look forward to your input and your responses.

I apologize for the delay in my blogging...a gentle rest for you all I'm sure. But trust me, there is more to come.

As always, Brandon