Monday, April 8, 2013

Are You (Pin)terested??

So recently on the advice/request of another, I joined Pinterest. I have yet to actually post anything or "pin" anything to my board, but I already have many followers. Thank you followers. Wow! followers. Who woulda thunk it? Am I that fascinating or are there that many bored people out there? Let's examine this.

A little about me.

I hate stupidity. If you have read my blogs in the past, this fact remains the same. No change. Adamant on this. I work part time for a local gas station. Something to do I suppose. In all aspects I enjoy it. I meet the dumbest people everyday. We are a tiny station, with the capacity of maybe 10 people at once. Yes, one of those. It never ceases to amaze me people who come in, walk four times around the center "island", approach the register and ask " Do you have an ATM machine"? I feel like responding with " In your four trips around, you passed the coffee machine, the soda machine, the door to Narnia, and the racks of cholesterol goodness, but did you once see an ATM machine"? Stating the obvious I'm afraid would either offend them or scare them away. Perhaps both. I inwardly roll my eyes and calmly respond " DO YOU SEE ONE? DOES IT LOOK LIKE WE COULD FIT ONE IN HERE? DID YOU ENGAGE BRAIN BEFORE OPENING MOUTH?" Okay, not really, but wouldn't that be fun?

I am not married. I have never been married. If you have read past postings here, this is self explanatory.

I am still, and by all standards, the funniest person I know.

I love music. All kinds for the most part. Now Jr. High School bands struggling through the 1812 overture (and making some of us desire and pray for cannon fire) is NOT music to me, UNLESS..being taught by the extremely talented and lauded Laurie Stout Letz. When you're good enough to get your kids on the morning news, you have achieved success and fame. She is amazing and I have in my life met many students from Eisenhower Jr. High who gush, yes gush, when being asked if they in fact knew the acclaimed Mrs. Letz. Way to go Auntie Laurie. I come from a very musical family, but that gene passed me by but still left me with a deep appreciation. I am actually listening to Anne Hathaway's heart rending version of " I Dreamed a Dream" as I write this. A special nod to my old man Steve Stout for helping me attain my appreciation for music. From Listening to him play Tchaikovsky in the 23rd Army Guard band, to hearing him play Beethoven or Bach on the piano at home. I learned who Spyro Gyra, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Jim Croce, Toto, Chicago,  and of course, Elvis were by his taste in music.  A very talented man. 

I am so freakin funny, I make people eject things from their noses.

I can talk for hours and hours. Far too much I'm sure. 

I am smart. I am well read ( not just my blogs by you poor bored souls), but have read more than 30 books in my life. I know right?? Amazing. I mean after all, I know who is buried in Grant's tomb. 

I enjoy other peoples children. Mostly. Some I want to strangle. I like seeing the cute baby pictures. And it is true, not all babies are cute. Some make me want to shout " WHAT THE HELL IS THAT"? But not all, They are so tiny it fascinates me how they will someday grow up and ask if there is an ATM machine. 

I am so funny, people are always telling me " You're funny"

I enjoy writing, and more, enjoy the comments left behind. I hope you enjoy reading these.

I learn something everyday. I may not realize it until later. Oft times, much later. But my light bulb still lights on occasion. I love learning new things. It keeps me sharp, attuned to my surroundings, and funny. 

I love humor of all kinds. I enjoy movies that push the envelope. If you can make me laugh out loud, kudos. I have always been a fan of comedy, dating back to our family camping trips listening to Bill Cosby on cassette     tapes. I still know those word for word. I tip a nod to Eddie Murphy, Bill Cosby, Mel Brooks ( it worked in Blazing Saddles), and many others for filling my formative years with laughter. For taking me away from life for brief moments of time. Without them, I might have been an honor student, and far less disruptive than I was in school. 

Ok, so there it is. Me in a nutshell. Not in a nuthouse. If you smiled at any of this, my job is done. If you rolled your eyes, let me know, so I can pat myself on the back. 

Thank you once again constant readers. Without you, I'm only writing to myself. And that's just weird. 
