Friday, August 29, 2008


Yesterday on the radio they were talking about the new Entertainment Weekly magazine list of the 25 best comedies of the last 25 years. The top honors went to Ghostbusters. I'm as surprised as you are. Don't get me wrong, I thought Ghosbusters was funny, just not No. 1 funny. My tastes in movies run off color of those of many I'm sure, and that is part of what makes me unique. So in this blog, I thought I'd poll you, my constant readers, on what YOU thought should be named the No. 1 comedy of the last 25 years.

Now like I said, my tastes run different and often even afoul of most and many. To me, Monty Python desereved top billing over Ghostbusters. Among the list in the top ten were...There's Something About Mary (one of my favorites), The Big Lebowski, Nat'l Lampoon's Vacation, Office Space ( excuse've got my stapler), South Park, and Beverly Hills Cop. All great comedies. All worth watching more than once if that is your taste in comedies.

I grew up on funny movies. As a youth in the ghetto of West Valley I was raised on movies like M.A.S.H., Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein (puttin on the Riiitzzz), and of course The Cannonball Run series. All wonderful movies with extremely wonderful comedians. Nowadays, anyone can make a movie and call it a comedy. I've seen some movies listed in the comedy section of Blockbuster that should have filed under crap. I have never found movies about drug use/abuse funny. Dazed and Confused was also on the top ten list...I never thought it to be rremotely funny. This is Spinal Tap..also on the top ten list...again, NOT funny. But that is only my critique. I'm not you, and you may have found them to be hilarious.

I am quite fond of quoting a funny line from a movie. It's amazing how easily some of the best lines in some of the best movies will fit into everyday normal conversation. If I am ever on a boat being attacked by a 30 foot Great White, I can't wait to say "You're gonna need a bigger boat". My boss at work is always testing me on my movie knowledge..asking me to "name the actor" or even "name the movie". Please!!! I managed a Blockbuster for several years, and I own over 2,000 movies. I'm a movie buff. An officionado. A geek of cinema. The one category I excel at in trivial pursuit? You guessed it...Movies. When I worked for Blockbuster, other store managers would call me when a customer came in asking for "That one movie with that girl who does that thing and then falls for that guy" know the one. I speak a form of cinemaese and can often answer their query and find them the movie they seek.

I've rambled and I apologize. I've named a few comedies and expressed my thoughts on them. What would I consider the best comedy of the last 25 years....that's a tough one. I don't think I could name a favorite...not just one anyway. I like to laugh. I like to make other people laugh. I am not against raunchy comedy to gain a laugh. It all boils down to what you like doesn't it? So here is your chance. Tell me what makes you laugh. What movie jumps out at you as the funniest? What movie do you think will make the list 25 years from now?

This will be my last post for a few weeks. I leave Sunday for a two week vacation in Mexico and Hawaii. I will miss reading your blogs as well as reading your comments to this one. Maybe I will use the "bigger boat" line on the Captain of the cruise ship....think he'll buy it?

Take care of yourselves and take care of each other. Laughter truly IS the best medicine and I don't ever doubt its potency. takes 23 muscles to frown and only 2 to smile....or something like that. But if a frown is an upside down smile...great, now I'm confused.

Missing you all back before you know it. Gracias and Mahalo Brandon

Monday, August 25, 2008

Rated "R"

For some reason on the way home tonight, I started thinking about violence and the impact it has on society as a whole. It's in movies, on TV, commercials include some, and music today has violence in it. Noone can be entirely shielded from it, it is virtually everywhere. I started to wonder if maybe as a society we had become desensitized to it. We see, hear and know about it daily, so it stands to reason this could be in fact true.

Voltaire was quoted as saying "Violence is the first refuge of the incompetent". Sounds like he knew his stuff. But where does it begin? Where does it end? Can we do anything to control it? Psychologists have studied this for years....long before Columbine or Oklahoma City. Decades before John Kennedy or Charles Manson. Some believe violence is some extent I agree. If a child grows up knowing violence, his tendency towards it are far greater. But not always 100% mind you. Nothing is certain. A child growing up in a loving home surrounded by siblings who leads an ernest, honest life can turn bad. Look at Ted Bundy. He was an Eagle Scout. He was an honor student. He was a notorious serial killer.

Movies today promote violence for ticket sales. The almighty dollar has become a leading factor in what and how much violence to include in movies. I hate to burst your bubble folks, but Harry Potter and even your beloved Twilight deal on a violence premise. The more violent, the more gory, the more improbable a movie is, the higher the box office. Why do you think horror movies fare so well at the box office? They could release Halloween XVI in July and it would break 100 million.

I mentioned music as well. I could list 3,500 artists (no exageration) who have included violence in one form or another in their lyrics. Carrie Underwood sings of revenge by "Carving my name into his leather seats". Not all violence must include another person. Violence is defined as "Physical force exercised to damage, injure or destroy". Violence can be viewed as psychological, physical, mental, or even spiritual. The burning of a cross by Nazi supremists connotates spiritual persecution and the promise of physical violence.

Now what about simple TV commercials desigend to make us think or possibly laugh? The wife hitting her husband upside the head and stating "You couldda had a V-8". The drunk driving commercials aired by the numerous lawyers and ambulance chasers. Are these images we want todays youth to see and think are "just natural"? I personally am not offended by anything. I don't watch a lot of TV. I honestly could care less. Do I play violent video games? Absolutely. Would I allow a 7 or 8 year old to play the games I play? Not a freakin chance.

There has been and always will be talk of gun control. Nothing will ever come of it. We can write every congressman and we can storm every Capitol Hill, but guns will always be a part of this nation and it's survival. I don't own a gun, but my house is finely decorated in knives. I have dragon handle knives, bone handle knives, knives as long as my arm, some smaller than my pinky. There are knives only I know where to find. I honestly pity the poor dumb person who breaks into my house. You may own a gun, but you'll get one shot...than it's game on. This doesn't mean I condone violence, only protection of what's mine. Survival of the fittest if you will.

I think I have expressed myself as well as I am going to get. I truly would love to hear what your thoughts are on this subject. Again, and as always, there is no right or wrong. If you feel my opinion is biased, tell me, I only get angered at hidden agendas. I hope I have not upset anyone, and as always I honor and trust your feelings.

On a lighter note, for those of you who may not know yet, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince has been pushed back by the studios to next July 17th. Now THAT angers me. And also for those of you not aware, movie ratings are now defined by the amount of smoking involved in it. That's right, if more than 3 cigarettes are lit, it's an auotmatic "R" rating. Were I an actor, all my movies would be rated "R".

Peace, love and ticklish feelings.............Brandon

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Do You ???

I haven't added any blogs of late...I guess I have been hiding, keeping to myself if you will. But as I was attempting to pay attention at work a few days back, I thought of another questionaire to add here. Nothing fancy or embarassing. Something that will help us all get to know each other a little better. Shall we begin ?

1. Do you lick the top of the yogurt lid? (either the pastic or the foil one)

2. Do you Discipline other people's children (family doesn't count here)

3. Do you drink out of the milk carton when noone is around or noone can see you?

4. Do you always eat what's on your plate, even if you do not like it?

5. Do you often wonder how different your life could be?

6. Do you offer advice freely or abstain and bite your tongue?

7. Do you corect the gramer/spelling mestakes of others?

8. Do you wonder about the futute of our country when looking at today's youth?

9. Do you find your life lacking in any way?

10. Do you possess a talent noone knows about or you are to shy to exhibit?

There you have it. Nothing bad, nothing too exploratory. And as I have in the past, I will answer my own questions. So here it goes.

1. Oh yeah! Free sample taste...nothing wrong with it

2. I wouldn't say I discipline them exactly...but I will correct them or tell them to "knock it off"
if they are to become annoying or bothersome.

3. Sure enough. I have since I was old enough to hold the milk carton. If they didn't want you
drinking out of it, they wouldn't have made it fit your mouth so well.

4. Nope...never...why would I eat something I know I don't like...enough with the brocolli already

5. All the time. I wish I was filthy rich and well known the world round. I would be a paparazzi
dream come true. I have always wanted the celebrity lifestyle. The red carpets, the public
relationships in all the magazines. The embarassing pictures of standing on your driveway
naked reading the paper in front of a tour bus. Who wouldn't?

6. I have always been giving in the advice department. I feel if they didn't want it, they wouldn't
ask. I feel I give good advice, but I never take my own however.

7. Oh yeah...constantly. Whether it's in my head or physically on paper, I find I correct spelling
mistakes all the time. I can spot them easily and it's probably a form of OCD, but oh well.
How many mistakes did you spot in the question asking you this??

8. Are you kidding?? If todays' youth is the example of our country's future...we are screwed!
We are going to have a President in 20 years with his pants around his knees and a sideways
baseball cap and alot of "bling". Instead of addressing the nation's problems he will text them
to us. I find myself constantly disappointed in the youth of today. They are lazy, rude,
have no sense of urgency and I'm sorry to say, most are ignorant. It makes me wonder if we
were like that 20 years ago.

9. Sometimes I do. Of course there is the whole alone thing, but I don't really find myself lacking
in that area. I have many friends and they all RAWK! so no, I'm not lacking there. I would
love to travel the world, see new things, spend time on every continent. I'm still younger then
I will be tomorrow, so there is time.

10. I have many talents I don't show on a regular basis. Some are idiotic for sure, others are just
plain useless. I can unwrap a starburst or tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. I can
do other things that are just not worth sharing too. :)

So ok. There you have it. Now it's your turn of course. Reach down, take hold of those answers and let them fly from your fingers to the screen. I look forward to reading your answers. I thank you again for taking the time to read my drudgery. I will attempt one more post before my two week sabatical. Be good to small animals, be nice to large ones, and always smile at your kids....they will wonder what they did wrong.

Until next time..........Brandon

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Ex

I haven't posted in a while, and I don't know if I should apologize or be happy for you. I guess lately I have had alot on my mind. Back in December of last year I began dating a girl I found to be both interesting and absolutely beautiful. She works at one of my steel supply companies, and I had dealt with her daily on the phone for several months. She was at that time going through a nasty divorce to a man who had after 17 years of marriage decided that the 19 year old he met through a friend was more exciting than she was.

Anyway, we dated for several months and it had progressed to the point of her spending many nights a week at my place when she didn't have her kids. Now normally this type of behaviour (the nesting type) scares the hell out of me. As you all know by now, I have a commitment phobia. I have been hurt/screwed over/played far too often to be openly trusting. Stop going "awww" happens. I cannot honestly in good conscience say I haven't been the one playing the games at one or more points in my life, but she was different. The first time I saw her (knowing only her voice to this point) I was speechless. Tall, beautiful, crystal blue eyes, a smile that could stop traffic, and a body that wouldn't quit.

As it turned out, we had much in common, and we enjoyed each other's company. She spoke Spanish (limited, and not always "fluently"), she was a fantastic cook, she tried to play a mean game of pool, and she was very into 80's music. After the first date we realized that in high school we both frequented the same dance club every friday night ( The Ritz ). So in fact, we knew each other 20 years ago, and I clearly remember her hating me then. Anyway, we got along perfectly. Almost too know...when you get along so well you get the feeling something is wrong. That was us.

I never got to meet her boys (she had three of them), but I did get to meet her sister. We got along famously. I even introduced her sister to a single friend of mine. We spent every minute we could together. I even introduced her to my parents...I never do that...EVER!! A stupid mistake I won't soon make again. I bought her gifts for no reason, I let her beat me at chess, I drew her a picture she wanted ( again, something I never do). It seemed like it was "the one".

I am not what you would expect when it comes to relationships. Most if not all of my exes have been pleasantly surprised. I may be emotionally crippled, but in the romance department I could write a book. I would get to work at least an hour before she would each day, and I would call and leave a voice message on her phone everyday. It would be anything from the sappy sugary sweet to the off-the-wall goofy. Whenever she awoke at my place, there was always a hot cup of coffee with a note ( if you have read my blog posted "dear", you know what one of the notes actually read). When she got "home" after work, her favorite singer (Alicia Keys) was on the stereo and a drink was waiting for her. I treated her as she wished her husband would have when she was married. Her marriage was one of convenience, as she got pregnant early and felt it was the best/only way.

In March of this year, she sent me an email letting me know she had fallen for me. I apologized. She then went on to say that she thought she could never again trust a man to not hurt her. That she thought sex was all men wanted. She went as far as to say she loved me. Now after almost five months together, it seemd natural. However, those three words are poison. Whenever anyone has uttered those words...the crap usually hits the proverbial fan. In this case, it seemed to go over rather well. Now mind you, I did not return the sentiment right away. I'm emotionally crippled remember. Plus the fact I don't just throw those words around. It took a few weeks of hearing her say it and seeing her attempt to prove it before I gave in.

The last weekend in March, we had planned to go away together. Her husband had the boys for Easter, so she would be alone that weekend. She called me late that Friday night, two hours after I had expected her to tell me she wasn't feeling well. I said ok...get yourself better and we will talk tomorrow. The next morning I got a text message from her sister asking if "you two are having a good weekend together"? I text her back telling her we weren't together because her sister was sick. The response I got was not what I thought I would. She told me "Oh, well that's weird cuz she didn't come home last night".

Well as it turns out she had been dating someone who worked with for a few weeks up to this point, and rather than telling me she just stopped calling and returning my texts. The damndest thing is I still have to talk to her at least once a week when I order steel. She still acts like nothing happened. She asks me all the time how I am doing. She calls me "sweety" all the time after repeated requests that she didn't. Today she got re-married to the man she cheated on me with. I found out through someone she worked with when I called yesterday to order some stuff and was told she wasn't in.

I don't know why I shared this, and I certainly don't know what I expect to gain from posting it. I guess maybe I feel it therapeutic to address it so. Either way, I still get bummed every now and then when I think about what we had. I have been asked out since then, but have found convenient excuses to not go. It's not that I'm not ready, and it's not that I can't handle it, I am just not interested anymore. I know , I know, there are plenty more fish in the sea...don't worry about me. I haven't changed in the humor department, and I haven't given up entirely.

Thanks for allowing me to vent. Thank you for your diligence. I hope you enjoy the new editions to the blog page. My next blog won't be so maudlin I promise. Be good to one another and remember to be kind and rewind.

P.S. 27 years ago today, 8-16, Elvis Presley died at Bethesda Memorial Hospital in Memphis.