Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dinner (and a movie??)

There is one question that Psychologists often ask people to tender a response and to gauge a reaction. There is no right or wrong answer and it can and often does give insight into a persons inner-workings and mental status. That question is this: If you could have dinner with three people, famous or not, alive or dead, who would they be and why?

The most popular answer among 100 people asked is simply one person. Can you guess who it is? No, it's not me. Although I am a great cook (awesome actually). The most popular person amongst most lists is Jesus. Now whether that says the person asked wants to be closer to their Saviour, or perhaps to prove the validity, I know not. But as it stands, He is the most populr answer. He is in fact the first answer to come from most people asked. Not their realtives long past, not Angelina Jolie ( I wouldn't mind that one), not even The Pope, (and this goes for Catholics as well as other religions...surprising isn't it?).

So today's quandry diligent readers and posters is this...If you could choose three people, living or dead, famous or not to dine with for one evening, who would they be and why? I have actually pondererd this question for a few days before posting it, because my answers changed. I have finally come up with my three.

1) John F. Kennedy-Not only was he the youngest President ever elected to office, but he was the most charismatic as well. I love reading over his old speeches and policies, learning more about the man each time. There are several theories as to why they related his term in office to that of Camelot. I think it is because he carried himself like a King. Leaders around the world looked up to him and sought his advice. If I could ask him one question, I would ask him if he was aware of his impending death. I think he very well may have been.

2) Elvis Presley-If you have read my profile page and looked at any of the music loaded there, you will realize I idolize this man. He had the world at his fingertips and wanted for nothing. His love for his Mother was iconic in nature. I have yet to visit Graceland, but will I'm sure someday. My question for Elvis would be " If you could go back and do anything differently, would you, and what would you do"?

3) Adolf Hitler- Now before you drop your jaw in shock or even on. Hitler was a military genius. A monster for sure, but in his mind he was doing what he thought was right. If he hadn't been greedy and spread his troops far and wide, we could be speaking German today. His mind wasn't as fragile as some believe. He loved art and beauty. To pick his brain for one evening would be both challenging and interesting I'm sure. My question for him would be " What next?"

Now you know my three. Nothing religious or pretentious. I don't know what my three say about me. Maybe I plan on world domination while singing and riding in a convertible in Texas...I don't know. One thing I know for sure is that all three are tied together. Hitler of course we know as a German ( I think he was actually Austrian), Elvis served his military years in Germany and France, and John Kennedy's most famous speech next to "Ask not what your country...." was "Ich Von Berliner". Intriguing...sure. Odd...definitely. Scary...nah!

So there you are. Me in a nutshell. Now it's your turn. As with all other blogs, there is no criticsm, no laughing (unless you're funny and mean to be), no finger-pointing, and definitely no right or wrong answer. I am simply interested in all of you and what makes you unique. Check back often for comments posted by others about the blog or perhaps your comment itself. If for some reason I offend, I apologize in advance. If I make you laugh, your life is better for it. If I make you cry, I will blame someone else. I look forward as always to your take on the world around you, and the advice/comments/friendship you all offer so freely.

Blog ya later, Brandon

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Love is a four letter word...and as four letter words go, not one of my most favorites. Yes, you read correctly. I'm a commitment phobic who hasn't used that word in a long while. So my question today is to those of you who use it daily ( my deepest sympathies). What is love? How do you know or how did you know that who you're with now was the "right one"?
I have heard of love at first sight. It has never happened with me ( I usually have to walk by twice). I have heard love is eternal...hmmm, so is Death. I have even heard love is a many wonderful thing. Yeah, chicken wings, beer and a game on Sunday feel the same to me. So what I truly want to know is this...what made you fall madly, passionately, hopelessly in love with the one you share your thoughts, laughter, tears and dreams with?
Webster's defines love as: A strong tender affection; deep devotion. Ok. Cool. I have seen all your profile pages, and I have seen the smiling happy pictures of all of you with your loved ones. I am truly happy for you all. How did the person in your life make you fall for them? Was it never-ending, relentless hounding until you agreed to date them? Did they use chloroform? Was it the words they spoke, or the manner in which they carried themselves? Upon first meeting them, did you say to yourself " now them are some child-bearing hips"? Were you swept off your feet?
More importantly, do you still see the same qualities in them now? Does their smile still light up your darkest day? Does their touch still make you shiver? Does their voice in your ear still make you smile? Does your heart ache when you are away from them? Do you see any of the qualities you fell in love with being passed to your children?
Has the one you love ever told you "thank you for loving me"? Have they ever dedicated a song on the radio to you? Do they look at you across a crowded room and still act shy? Is it still considered romantic to open the door or pull out a chair? After being married or even together for many years, will the "spark" still be there?
I know this is a VERY personal blog, and i understand if noone responds. In turn however, I will reveal personal information. I have done all of the above. The little notes, the flowers, the gifts "just cuz", the everything. I can honestly say I am a hopeless romantic. I don't have anyone in my life now and I'm ok with that. I'm happy...all that matters.
When you found the one you are with now, what were you looking for? Did they pass the full inspection or did you settle on a few flaws that you knew you could change? I have always had a list...a mental checklist if you will of what I would find ideal in a woman. 1) Does she name her stuffed animals? 2) Does she find abnormality cute or annoying? 3) Is she genuinely interested in me? 4) How political/religious is she? 5) Could I see myself with this person five or even ten years from now? 6) Is she smarter than a doorknob (stop rolling your eyes, you know what I mean)?
So anyway, that is the blog...sorry so long winded. I actually went back and re-wrote it several times before being satisfied. I do hope that noone takes anything I say as personal. I have an arena to vent, so vent I must. I look forward to any comments positive or negative that you may have. I take nothing personal and I am impossible to offend.

Till next time, Brandon

D'Oh..What Annoys You?

This morning I thought I would pose the question to you all about annoyance and your attitude towards that which annoys you. If you have read my profile you will know it says I despise stupidity. I most certainly do, it annoys me. I'm not talking about the "oops I backed into another car at the supermarket cuz I wasn't paying attention" kind of stupidity, that is human nature to make a mistake or two, I'm talking about blatant, honest to God, without a doubt, plain, right out stupidity. You all know what I'm referring to. Those people who say or do something that makes you stop and look at them in bewilderment or wonder. Those people who not only do something once but repeat their effort at stupidity with any chance they are given. I mean come on, life is not rocket science.

Let me explain a little further. Some of the things that people say really annoy me. When someone says "It was the last place I looked", I want to respond with "really?"...I mean let's think about it, why would you continue looking after you found it? Of course it's going to be the last place you looked. Another one that always gets me ( and usually ends in a very sour response) is someone who will approach you at the bus stop or Trax station and actually ask you " Did the bus/train come yet?". I usually respond to those with a kind smile and a " Yes, actually, and I stood here waiting for you so I could be the one to tell you that you missed it" ( you stupid $%*@).

Now we move on to the things people do. In my line of work, safety is a given. You are given/required to wear safety gear daily. So I always wonder why there are a few who not only walk around without it, but look at you stupidly when you ask them where it is. Could it be that they are in fact faster than a speeding bullet and are impervious to injury or bodily harm? Blatant stupidity. No other way to look at something like that.

So now tell me ( and the rest of us), what annoys you? Is it the sing-song voice of your child/children calling out " Mooommmmyyyy....mooommmm...MOM!! MOM!! MOM!!" or even "Dad..Dad..Dad..Dad"? Is it the always popular "Are we there yet?" (this one most effective if asked every five or less minutes apart...ask my Brother). Or is it the person you work with or perhaps live next to that doesnt understand that you could honestly care less about his/her sex life, or the fact that their roses/lawn are soooo beautiful? Is it the guy/gal on your facebook page that keeps sending you application invites or just simply stupid things you're not interested in? Is it blog pages? Just some examples.

What truly annoys you? Do tell. Is there something or someone out there who you desperately needs to be beaten about the face and neck? I have heard that stress is defined as "The confusion created when ones mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living crap out of some idiot who desperately needs it". There you have come on, don't be shy or scared. No names please, just some shining examples of what annoys you most. Are you done yet? Are you done yet? Are you done yet?

Blog ya later, Brandon

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I was recently challenged by a few of you out there to read the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers. I can honestly say I have started it and read rather easily the first 200 pages in one sitting. My honest opinion? Not bad. Not what I'm used to by any means..I like a book with a little "meat" on its bones. So that brings me to this entry. What makes a book good? Some out there, like my brother for example, like Autobiographies. I, however, do not. Some people like a book that instructs them on how to think, act or feel. To these I say "Pshaw". Me? I like a book that has a good story line, a believable main character and writing that makes me anticipate picking that book up at every possible chance. Now don't get me wrong, I have read self-help books, and I have read my share of Autobiographies, they are just not my "cup of tea" if you will.

So todays blog is about books. I have seen what some people have posted in their virtual bookshelves, and I must say...interesting. I'm sure some of you have looked through mine and thought the same ( but how many of you noticed that I included ALL the Dr. Seuss books as "read")? So let me pose this question to those of you brave enough to post back. What, in your mind, makes a good book?? Do you like being swept into a world of talking house elves and boy wizards? Do you prefer a book on doctrine or religion? Is your taste more inclined to political or Government? Or are you the sugar-induced, goofy grin on our face romance enthusiast? That's what I want to know. What, in your eyes, makes a book truly great? What would it take for you to recommend it to others?

Psychologists say that we are defined by what we read. Please! Everything we do defines us. If what we read actually makes us who we are, than I would be a half-alien, mind reading, gun-slinging, murderous car, for you see I have read and enjoy all of Stephen Kings work. I hope I don't strike you as a rabid dog hell bent on trapping you in your crappy Volkswagen.

Growing up we are all asked at one point or another to read something. Wether it was for a grade, your particular religion, or to understand Birth or even Death. Does this mean that those books are good? To everyone, the answer is different of course. In school I was forced to read many books or fail a course. I read them dutifully and can honestly say that Lord of the Flies, and Great Expectations are not now nor ever will be my "favorite" books. I'm sure some of you would say that about Shakespeare, or even Poe. Not everyone likes poetry or understands it. Does that make them less of a person? Not in my eyes.

Mark Twain is quoted as saying "The man who does not read a good book, has no advantage over the man who cannot read." I honestly believe that. But what makes a book good? That's the question I pose to you, dilligent reader/s. Tell us and others what your favorites are and why. Tell us if you agree with banning certain books from current school curriculum. Are there books you feel should be banned? Let us know how you feel about books and the influence some have over society today. Do you follow Oprah's suggested reading list? Do you read a book before you see the movie? Do you compare them afterwards? Do share.

Until we post again, Brandon

High School Daze

As I was at work today, I got to thinking that I would like to start a blog, or a series as it may come to be. Not only for the satisfaction of getting things out of my head onto here..but to gauge reactions and responses from others as well. So I thought I would start off with one about our past. That's right...High School. And more specifically, what you consider being your fondest memories of those days. I'll start and I hope others will follow.

There is alot I remember from the three years I spent wandering the halls of Granger High. There is also alot I would just as soon forget. I vividly remember the friendships started (some of which have lasted to this day), and the experiences I shared with others. I clearly remember sluffing school with some friends to go to the "beach" out at the Great Salt Lake, only to get cited for not paying the entrance fee to get in. I remember the breakfasts spent at McDonalds and learning how to "pop" a wound up straw. How about the pins that were given out with every paper badge during every school election? Am I the only one who didn't just use those pins to hold my badge on?? I doubt that.

As I sit here so many memories flood back on me. I first learned who Guns N' Roses were during a trip to Bountiful to meet a friends current flame. My love for head banging, loud, gut-wrenching metal still exisists today due to that one encounter with Axl and the boys. I vaguely recall Spanish class and addressing the teacher as "NORM" when he walked through the door. I also remember developing my first school boy crush in that exact class.

Memories...the things you can remember when you let the gates of your sub-conscious mind open and the past to enter. Not all memories are good. I also remember being picked on ( what high school adolescent hasn't been), and I remember having my heart broken for the first time during my Junior year.

As this is my first blog, I ask that you bear with me and my mind-numbing rambling. I hope I have posted this correctly and that others may share and add anything they wish. If you have a story you remember...please tell. If you (like most people surely do) remember me as mainly "the class clown", again, please share. I look forward to writing more and reading anything added.

With much anticipation, Brandon