I haven't added any blogs of late...I guess I have been hiding, keeping to myself if you will. But as I was attempting to pay attention at work a few days back, I thought of another questionaire to add here. Nothing fancy or embarassing. Something that will help us all get to know each other a little better. Shall we begin ?
1. Do you lick the top of the yogurt lid? (either the pastic or the foil one)
2. Do you Discipline other people's children (family doesn't count here)
3. Do you drink out of the milk carton when noone is around or noone can see you?
4. Do you always eat what's on your plate, even if you do not like it?
5. Do you often wonder how different your life could be?
6. Do you offer advice freely or abstain and bite your tongue?
7. Do you corect the gramer/spelling mestakes of others?
8. Do you wonder about the futute of our country when looking at today's youth?
9. Do you find your life lacking in any way?
10. Do you possess a talent noone knows about or you are to shy to exhibit?
There you have it. Nothing bad, nothing too exploratory. And as I have in the past, I will answer my own questions. So here it goes.
1. Oh yeah! Free sample taste...nothing wrong with it
2. I wouldn't say I discipline them exactly...but I will correct them or tell them to "knock it off"
if they are to become annoying or bothersome.
3. Sure enough. I have since I was old enough to hold the milk carton. If they didn't want you
drinking out of it, they wouldn't have made it fit your mouth so well.
4. Nope...never...why would I eat something I know I don't like...enough with the brocolli already
5. All the time. I wish I was filthy rich and well known the world round. I would be a paparazzi
dream come true. I have always wanted the celebrity lifestyle. The red carpets, the public
relationships in all the magazines. The embarassing pictures of standing on your driveway
naked reading the paper in front of a tour bus. Who wouldn't?
6. I have always been giving in the advice department. I feel if they didn't want it, they wouldn't
ask. I feel I give good advice, but I never take my own however.
7. Oh yeah...constantly. Whether it's in my head or physically on paper, I find I correct spelling
mistakes all the time. I can spot them easily and it's probably a form of OCD, but oh well.
How many mistakes did you spot in the question asking you this??
8. Are you kidding?? If todays' youth is the example of our country's future...we are screwed!
We are going to have a President in 20 years with his pants around his knees and a sideways
baseball cap and alot of "bling". Instead of addressing the nation's problems he will text them
to us. I find myself constantly disappointed in the youth of today. They are lazy, rude,
have no sense of urgency and I'm sorry to say, most are ignorant. It makes me wonder if we
were like that 20 years ago.
9. Sometimes I do. Of course there is the whole alone thing, but I don't really find myself lacking
in that area. I have many friends and they all RAWK! so no, I'm not lacking there. I would
love to travel the world, see new things, spend time on every continent. I'm still younger then
I will be tomorrow, so there is time.
10. I have many talents I don't show on a regular basis. Some are idiotic for sure, others are just
plain useless. I can unwrap a starburst or tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. I can
do other things that are just not worth sharing too. :)
So ok. There you have it. Now it's your turn of course. Reach down, take hold of those answers and let them fly from your fingers to the screen. I look forward to reading your answers. I thank you again for taking the time to read my drudgery. I will attempt one more post before my two week sabatical. Be good to small animals, be nice to large ones, and always smile at your kids....they will wonder what they did wrong.
Until next time..........Brandon
15 years ago
1. Yes I lick the yogurt lid. Waste not, want not...
2. Yes I do discipline other people's children. Every week I take on the task of keeping a dozen 8&9 year olds boys in order during scout den meetings.
3. I don't drink out of the milk carton, but do drink out of the water jug.
4.NO!!! I'm a picky eater and have a weak stomach too :)
5. No, I'm very content with my life.
6. I offer advice when asked, but try to just listen mostly.
7.I always notice them but usually don't point them out.
8.No. I look at my children and other youth like them and I'm not afraid of our country's future.
10.I still have some wicked dance moves! I usually save this exhibit for my husband. My kids hate it when I get in a dancing mood and "embarrass" them. I just can't hold still when a good song comes on.
Okay, here goes...
1. Yes, I lick the top of the yogurt lid.
2. Yes, I discipline other people's children.
3. Yes, I drink out of the milk jug,but only if I just need a 'sip'!
4. No, especially if I don't like it...I can swirl it around to make it look pretty convincing!
5. No, my life is really great. I am very blessed...although, a couple million wouldn't hurt any...:)
6. I give advice when asked for it. I frequently find myself biting my tongue when I don't get asked!
7. OOOOHHHH! YES!!!!! But, I keep them to myself, mostly.
8. I wonder, yes, but I feel that there are enough strong youth that will still keep this country strong.
9. Lacking? No, I don't think so. I am very happy.
10. I am a very good listener.
Both wonderful posts. Thank you ladies. Now as far as those talents go, I want to see your dance moves at the reuniuon Kamie. I hope neither of you were offended at my comment aimed at today's youth. I wasn't pointing a finger at ALL youth, just those I have monitored. Knowing the two of you, and seeing how fantastic you have both turned out, I have no doubt your children are both well behaved and on track socially. I applaud you both. Keep up the great work, keep reading and I'll keep posting.
Well, here goes nothing.
1. Yes I lick. I'm always scared of cutting my tounge on the foil though.
2. Yes I discipline other people's children if they are under my care.
3. No I don't drink out of the milk carton unless I finish the jug.
4. No I don't eat everything on the plate. Why eat something you don't enjoy?????
5. Sometimes, don't get me wrong, I love my life and my family, but sometimes I wonder how life would be different if I did things differently in high school.
6. I don't offer unsolicited advice, but I will give it when asked.
7. Yes, I notice and I point out. (By the way Brandon, it's "no one" not "noone". :) Sorry.) I am not the best speller, but I usually know when words are not spelled correctly. Thank God for Microsoft Word!!! I also text using correct grammar and punctuation. It takes a lot longer, but that's just me. I also use two spaces between sentences. I am really quite annoying when it comes to grammar. Oh, and double negatives DRIVE ME NUTS!!!!! I could go on and on here, but I'll stop.
8. I would have to agree with you, Brandon. I am terrified when I look at the youth of today. I too wonder how we were looked at when we were "the youth".
9. Not really.
10. I draw a little, but have never had the guts to show them to anyone.
So there you are.
1. Do you lick the top of the yogurt lid? (either the pastic or the foil one)
Absolutely! I even lick the ones I prepare for my kids.
2. Do you Discipline other people's children (family doesn't count here)
Yes, IF they are
a. in my care
b. in my home and their parent isn't doing themselves (pet peeve!!!)
c. outside of my home but are hurting my children, damaging property, or are in danger of harming themselves
Habits cultivated from decades of being the oldest of six, a high school teacher, and a mom of four are hard to suppress.
3. Do you drink out of the milk carton when noone is around or noone can see you?
Ewwwww, no! I hate milk, but give me an OJ carton and the answer would have to be yes!
4. Do you always eat what's on your plate, even if you do not like it?
No. Even if I do like it, I try not to keep eating once I'm almost full.
5. Do you often wonder how different your life could be?
6. Do you offer advice freely or abstain and bite your tongue?
I try to only offer when asked...bite, bite, bite.
7. Do you corect the gramer/spelling mestakes of others?
Nails on a chalkboard. Ouch.
I want to be the grammar police in my next life.
YES! Mostly in my head, but last night at Back to School Night, I absentmindedly proofed the note from the teacher as she was talking. It included gems such as "I'm confidant this will be a great year." I about died of mortification when she asked us to leave them on the desks for the next group of parents! I hung back a bit and switched it with someone else's so she wouldn't know it was me. I'm such an adult.
8. Do you wonder about the futute of our country when looking at today's youth?
The youth in the media are not representative of the youth of today. I am the Draper Youth Council advisor, and have never seen such a fine group of kids. I felt the same way during the 10 years I taught HS in Ohio. Yes, there are bling-riddled thugs out there too, but overall, our youth are pretty phenomenal.
9. Do you find your life lacking in any way?
My van needs a new transmission. A little more money would always be nice, but I wouldn't say I'm lacking.
10. Do you possess a talent noone knows about or you are to shy to exhibit?
Cherry stems in 3 seconds, picking things up w/my toes. Other than that, not really. WHat you see is what you get.
1. Do you lick the top of the yogurt lid? Yes, always. Who am I to pass up that extra little bit of yogurty goodness?
2. Do you discipline other people's children? If they're getting out of control, I will. If they're at my house without their parents, I will. If their parents are around, I won't. I figure it's the parents' responsibility to. Unless the kids get out of control (as above) and then I'm all over them.
3. Do you drink out of the milk carton when no one is around or no one can see you? Uhh...I do it when my kids are around and then threaten them so they won't tell my husband.
4. Do you always eat what's on your plate, even if you do not like it? Nope. I'm way too picky and it would be a sad day if I had to eat a tomato or mushroom just to be polite.
5. Do you often wonder how different your life could be? Oh, I'm totally happy with how my life turned out. But I wonder sometimes. Wondering and wishing are two different things, though. I don't wish it was different.
6. Do you offer advice freely or abstain and bite your tongue? Usually bite my tongue unless someone asks and then I'm all full of helpful advice. At least helpful in my own mind.
7. Do you correct the grammar/spelling mistakes of others? Yup--the benefit of growing up with school teacher parents. But only tactfully, of course. Not to anyone's face.
8. Do you wonder about the future of our country when looking at today's youth? Not too much. Most of the youth I know are most impressive.
9. Do you find your life lacking in any way? As in "I wish I could eat pizza more often" or "I wish I had my own personal Slurpee machine"? Well, yes.
10. Do you possess a talent no one knows about or you are to shy to exhibit? Hmmmmmm...I have the talent of staring at the computer in silence for 5 minutes while trying to think of a hidden talent to share with you all.
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