Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Don't........

A Warning to those easily offended..read no further.!!!

I Don't like change
I Don't sing
I Don't dance
I Don't want to be alone
I Don't want sympathy
I Don't like crowds
I Don't believe in God
I Don't fear death
I Don't like stupid people
I Don't like shaving
I Don't like my job
I Don't believe in Love anymore
I Don't think children should be medicated
I Don't like baggy pants
I Don't believe most people
I Don't take care of myself
I Don't speak my mind as much as I should
I Don't Listen to Reggae
I Don't like poor service
I Don't want to be with anybody
I Don't control my anger easily
I Don't believe in Luck
I Don't celebrate my Birthday
I Don't think most people are funny
I Don't want to fly Frontier airlines ever again
I Don't want to talk about it
I Don't care if anyone reads this or not
I Don't think "The Church" should interfere in politics in Utah
I Don't put much value on my life
I Don't believe in Heaven or Hell
I Don't feel anything
I Don't show emotion
I Don't like cold weather
I Don't enjoy Holidays
I Don't believe in Love at first sight
I Don't think golf is a sport
I Don't feel like making anyone laugh anymore


Anonymous said...

I still like you TONS!
I hope things start to look up for you.

DeLaina said...

Awwww, but you're so funny! Don't stop wanting to make people laugh!